ten: congratulations for Christine (+ Eddie)

Christine is one of those friends you acquire by accident. She’s the little sister of a dear friend (and somedays I like her better, wink.). She has gorgeous red hair and an infectious little giggle. And soon she’ll be Eddie’s wife.

January 10, 2011


Well look at you, Little Miss Engaged! Congratulations love! I am so excited for you and Eddie and all the celebrations to come. He is a wonderful man and he loves you so very much. I know you will have a very happily ever after. Enjoy your engagement my dear and if I can do anything for you two, just say the word.

All the best,


nine: a birthday card for Greg


Greg and I go way back. He takes pleasure in ‘nudging’ me. Luckily, I’m a good sport.

January 9, 2011


Wishing you a very happy birthday—your first as a Dad! May this year be full of joy and successes, good health and lots of firsts (for Taylor + Jack mostly).

All the best,



eight: a note for a new friend


I made a new friend named Alicia. She is just darling and she has great paper-taste!

January 8, 2011


Hello new friend! I know I’ve said it before, but I am so pleased our paths crossed and so pleased we could bond over paper, glorious, beautiful, patterned paper. This darling little set makes my heart swell. Thank you so much for your kindness! I look forward to more impromptu trips to kate’s of course, but I think we are up to a proper cocktail date now, no? See you soon friend…



Mudlark Stationery, Lola gift set

seven: a birthday card for Elyse


Elyse is my chic friend from college. Her favorite color is yellow, but she has no particular affinity for cows. :)

January 7, 2011


Happy Birthday Darling! I hope you have a most splendid day and a ravishing time cutting up a rug tonight. I know you will dazzle in something fabulous. And best wishes for your twenty-eighth year. May it be full of good, good things!

xxo Lauren

Greenwich Letterpress, cow card

six: a birthday card for Graham


My friend Abbie gave birth to the cutest baby boy one year ago today. He is such a charmer–and he isn’t even walking yet!

January 6, 2011


Today you turn one! Holy moly. I remember eagerly awaiting your arrival—it took forever. I thought you were going to be a girl. But you were way better than a girl, even if you puked on me every time I held you.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday (even if your mean Mommy doesn’t buy you any presents) little one. You bring such joy to everyone you meet. Even child-haters. It has been such fun watching you grow. I am so looking forward to your terrible twos, but knowing you, you’ll be perfect!

Lots of Love,


five: a birthday card for Mr. Wonderful


Today someone special turns another year older. Happy Birthday Dad!


Wishing my most favorite someone a most wonderful birthday. I hope this year is better than the last few (for both of us–can I get in on your birthday wish?). May it be full of good health, happiness, and great golf. And maybe some coconut cake too. I love you so very much. Happy Birthday Mr. Wonderful/U.P./Dad!


Lauren xxo

Old Tom Foolery birthday card

four: a paper bag breakfast for Claire


a paper bag breakfast

Sometimes you have to hit pause, just for a moment. Yesterday my darling friend and former college roommate Claire stopped by for a visit (by way of Syria). I gave her my full attention. And a little paper bag breakfast to go the next morning.

January 4, 2011


I miss you already! Travel safe and hurry back… for keeps!


Lauren xxoo

P.S. I resisted the urge to kiss your napkin, Krisi style, wink.

three: an email to American Airlines

not so friendly skies


January 3, 2011

Dear Customer Service,

I have no words for the complete incompetence of your baggage claim department.

Today you lost my suitcase. It was supposed to be on the plane with me, traveling from Miami to New York. But it wasn’t. Your baggage claim advisor assured me it would be on the next plane landing thirty minutes later. The last time you lost my luggage, it didn’t turn up for five days so I decided to wait. I told my friends and family (and by extension the car service we arranged) to go on ahead without me. Well, guess what?! My bag wasn’t on the next plane. And what’s more, over twenty people on that flight were missing their luggage as well. When I returned to the baggage counter, your advisor was of no help. I filed a claim and was told that my bag should “turn up” in a few days–completely unacceptable. Your advisor was not apologetic nor did she give me any level of confidence in her ability to sort out my situation. I left the airport and incurred a $100 cab charge, a charge I could have avoided had I been able to leave as planned.

Your automated telephone service phoned me at 4 PM today to inform me that my luggage had been “located”. Nothing more. I could check back for updates. I should also mention that I had to call your system back–twice–because of its failure to recognize the requested commands of “yes” and “continue”. Again I say, completely unacceptable.

Despite having arranged for the baggage to be delivered to my apartment in the city, I decided to return to the airport. Have I mentioned my complete lack of confidence in your baggage employees? Guess what? No suitcase. I calmly asked your advisor where my baggage was and when I might expect its return. She had no answers or apologies.

Tell me please, what does “located” mean to you? I still do not have my bag despite your company assuring me it has been “located”. Nor do I have any indication as to when I will receive it. I’m also missing a cool $100 in cab fare. And as you can probably imagine, a whole lot of patience.

I look forward to receiving my luggage and a proper apology.



**UPDATE: My bag arrived! Three days later and with a huge black stain on the top (sadly, I brought the only non-black suitcase I own on this trip).

two: a letter for Alex


Today we landed in Miami, home to my fabulous freshman roommate Alex. She’s a brilliant photographer too. See.

January 2, 2011


Friend! I’m in your city. But just for a ay over… we flew back from Antigua tonight and home to New York bright + early tomorrow. I wish we could play! Maybe in London town before you go? I will hope. Say hello and Happy New Year to the family!



P.S. How fab is the gold horse?! LOVE!

Jack and Lulu, horse gold flat notes

one: a postcard for Jenna

a postcard for Jenna

January first is a day full of possibilities. Clean slates. Fresh starts. Do-overs. Tabula Rasa if you will.

And so it is with great anticipation that I begin a little adventure of my own. I will write a letter, everyday, for all of 2011. Starting now.

January 1, 2011

Dearest Jenna,

Well, the beaches are lovely. The “no-see-ums” are decidedly dreadful. My skin is polka-dotted with bites–53 and counting. My new signature scent is OFF. The weather has been quite nice and the people are very hospitable. Last night we reveled in the dawn of a new year with some rum punch and fireworks. And then a few too many vodka sodas…ooops. What more could a girl ask for? You, of course! Wish you were here! I hope your New Year started with a bang…


Lauren xxo