I’m back. At last.


Hello friends! My apologies for the long absence (there by leaving the bathing-suit photo front and center way longer than ever expected). August seems to get me every year. But it’s been especially busy this year in light of our upcoming wedding. We’ve blown past the three month mark and the details, all 1,000 of them are moving into the spotlight.


It’s been a fun summer of boat cruises, beach trips, horse races and not-so-fun gas outages (five weeks and counting with no oven, stove, or clothes dryer). Oh yes, and best of all, a new job for this girl! I have returned to writing + editing full time and thank my lucky stars. I pinch myself every so often, just to make sure it’s real life and not a dream.

There have been some letters too, I assure you. And some very important wedding correspondence (more on that later).  But I’m back and plan to return to a more regular posting schedule. BIG thanks for sticking around. See you tomorrow, scouts honor.


P.S. The lovely Sarah was kind enough to add some hearts here for your clicking pleasure. If some stationery makes you weak in the knees or a letter makes you smile, you can like the post by clicking the heart below. How very Instagram, right?! How do you like that? I sure heart it!


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