Today’s letters are traveling all the way to Australia! Kathleen is a long-time supporter of snail mail and Letters from Lauren. The poor darling has attempted to send me not one BUT two post cards. And despite having the correct address, both have been returned! I just had to return the favor. Meaghan, a sweet fifteen-year-old requested a letter. She loves to send them, but her mailbox never feels full enough. I know how exciting mail call is (at any age) and was happy to oblige.
Thank you so much for your second attempt at letter sending. I maintain the postmen of our respective countries are conspiring against us! The post card is just beautiful (even on screen) and makes me want to visit Australia more than ever. Adam and I are considering it for a honeymoon destination. We want to go far, far away (somewhere where his blackberry for work doesn’t get a signal). I know it’s a big country, but do you have any recommendations? We’re also thinking about a safari in Africa. There is so much to see and because we both love to travel, we’re having a hard time making decisions! We’re also hoping to travel right after our wedding in November, so I’d like to make sure we’re visiting wherever we go at the optimal time–even if that means missing Thanksgiving! I hope you’re enjoying a nice summer–or is it fall on your side of the world? Thanks for being such a sweet supporter of mine—it means the world! Here’s hoping this makes it to you!
Hi Meaghan,
Thanks for your sweet note! I am always excited to meet fellow letter writers–especially ones from across oceans!
So besides your letter penning hobby, what do you like to do? When I was fifteen years old, I was dancing my feet off–I took about thirteen hours of ballet a week! Not surprisingly, I passed notes like crazy back then too. My friend and I had a notebook we’d write in and leave in each other’s lockers. I still have it, fifteen years later!
I hope you have a great summer—what do you do in Australia during summer? I always went to the pool or played at the beach, but your seasons are opposite. And I really do hope your friends and family start writing back! You are so thoughtful to send them letters. Snail mail is special, and you can save notes unlike a text message of gratitude.Thanks for reading (+ writing)!
Best wishes,
I had the same problem when I tried to reply to the letter you sent me! I had the correct address, but it was returned. :(