one hundred and twenty-seven: a letter for my Mom

Today, we celebrate the Mothers of the world: the women who fearlessly gain thirty pounds of cushion for their wombs, the women who have an endless supply of patience during the worst tantrums, and the women who stay up late to help you build a solar system out of papier-mache (just saying). These heroines walk among us, encouraging and loving us no matter what. And today we celebrate them. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mamas out there, most especially mine.

May 8, 2011

My most favorite President had some wise words: “All that I am or ever hope to be I owe to my Mother.” He was right. And it’s true, I am the woman I am today because of you.

You are my cheerleader, in times of joy and in moments of struggle. Your endless supply of encouragement has gotten me through the toughest of times. And your ability, call it Mother’s intuition, to know exactly what I need in any given moment is nothing short of amazing.

All my favorite memories include you. Our family vacations to awe-inspiring places, our mother-daughter shopping adventures, even time spent watching bad tv with tray-tables on our laps. I am so lucky to have a Mom that doubles as a best friend.

You taught me that the little things in life matter most, like ironed sheets and thank you notes. You always lead by example, teaching me to be kind and loyal. And thanks to the Virgo in you, I am a tidy and organized member of society.

Thank you for always being proud of me and for loving me so fiercely. I am so very lucky to call you my Mom. Happy Mother’s Day. I love you.

xxo Lauren

Hammerpress (A big shout out to my birth city and these fabulous folks!)

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