Today is Father’s Day. I am very fortunate to have a wonderful Dad (he dubbed himself Mr. Wonderful and I let it stick) whom I adore. I hope you have the same, or another paternal influence that likes a celebratory meal at a delicious restaurant!
June 19, 2011
This globe reminds me of the weekly summaries you made me to write during middle school. As if having six classes and six homework assignments wasn’t enough, I was the only kid forced to write summaries on them all. No, I haven’t forgotten. I also haven’t forgotten the time you took my dolls away or when you signed me up for co-ed basketball during my formative teen years.
But that’s not all I remember.
I remember styling your hair. Using a dish-towel as a cape and a spray bottle to authentically wet the hair before molding it into the perfect do with bows and ribbons! I applaud your patience. (And take no responsibility for your receding hairline.)
I remember you teaching me how to hit a baseball (albeit with a large and forgiving bat). We’d play for hours in the backyard, with your dirty laundry serving as bases. We developed a fierce little bond during those weekends when Mom was flying and Marie Callender was in charge of dinner.
I remember your unwavering support when the job I loved was lost to the recession. You allowed me to feel sorry for myself, but only for moment. With your encouragement, I picked up the pieces and kept on with the journey.
I am so grateful for you–for your good advice, your support, and most of all your love. You have made me the person I am today. (And you did a darn good job if I do say so myself.) I love you.
Happy Father’s Day Mr. Wonderful!
xo Lauren
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