one hundred and sixteen: a letter for Jennifer

Jennifer probably gets called a hero at least once a day. She’s a “genius” at the Apple store in Soho. And on Tuesday night she was my hero. She did some diagnostics, some restarts and fancy keyboard shortcuts and…revival! I was beyond thrilled and had to resist the urge to jump across the counter and squeeze her silly (I’m a hugger).

April 27, 2011


Thank you for your swift repair of my laptop. You must hear this all the time, but you were my hero Tuesday!

Its amazing (and perhaps a little embarrassing) how dependent we are on electronics these days. You listened to me with such genuine concern for my technical woes. Best of all, you were able to fix me up and send me on my way. And if my screen decides to be smart and play the fuzz trick again, I’m coming straight to you. Thanks again for your help!



Bella Ink  (graciously donated–thank you!)

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