one hundred and seventy-one: letters for Quinn + Tula

Today’s letters go out to two letter lovers—one who eschewed technology for forty days (hats off, Quinn) and a veteran pen-pal.

June 21, 2011

one hundred and seventy-one:


Firstly, your full name is awesome—you must get that all the time.

Secondly, how did your forty-day technology fast go? Your friend Jessica told me about your plan. Did you make it? I love that your friends mailed you letters to communicate (what good friends). I’m a letter-lover through and through, so much so, I’m writing a letter a day in 2011. Jessica sweetly asked me to put one in your box during your tech-free days, but I had oh so many requests. I hope a tardy letter is welcome all the same…

She also told me about your grand plans for sweet potato fries. Success? I have a mandolin and consider myself a fairly decent cook, but I’ve yet to master the fry technique. Mine always cook unevenly and are never crunchy enough! If you have any insider tips, I’m all ears.

All the best,


P.S. I hope summer is treating you well and the beard is winning hearts and minds, wink.

sugar paper


one hundred and seventy-one and a half:


I am always delighted to meet like-minded letter lovers! I love that you have carried on so many correspondences over the years. Why did you stop?! I’m sure your letters were little bits of cheer for their recipients, especially your grandfather.

So tell me, what are your favorite stationery lines? I’m always looking for new paper discoveries. I’ve been finding all sorts of gems on etsy lately.

I hope this here letter gives you a little nudge to start using your pretty paper again! The world is a better places with letters!

All the best,


kate spade


  1. says

    Hey Lauren,
    It’s not for me to tell you how wonderful it is to receive a letter. I think the delayed letter from you spoke to exactly why we do this – because it happened to land on a day I needed it the most. Receiving this on any other day would have been a crime. So your tardiness is excused. I would write you back, but I’m sure at this point you’re buried in a backlog of letters. I do have many questions for you – like what kind of pen you use? Anyways, I love your blog and how you live.

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