get well wishes for Gramma


My Gramma has been suffering from pneumonia (in both lungs) for the last few weeks. She spent a couple of days in the hospital and then a few more regaining her strength at a rehabilitation center. Pneumonia is the pits! Thankfully she’s home now and on the mend. Nevertheless, well wishes were in order.

February 1, 2013


I am sorry you’ve been sick. And so sick! Did I mention I was worried sick about you? Enough sick already.

I am so relieved you’re on the mend and have promised to take better care of yourself. I’d like to request that in writing. Can that be arranged? You may be past the tissues at this phase, but I thought I’d send some well wishes anyway. I hope you gain more strength with each passing day and are back to yourself in no time. A lady like you doesn’t have time for sick. And I love you way too much for it.


Lauren xoxo

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  1. says

    I hope your Gramma feels better! I love that you call her “Gramma”. This is how my husband says his grandma’s name, although he never spells it like he says it! I might have to get after him about that :)

    • admin says

      Thank you! She’s on the mend. And I think she called her Gramma, Gramma. My Grandpa went with the old tried and true “grandpa” but I liked that there is some history to her moniker. Thanks for reading!

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